last updated: July 1, 2021
The following terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) govern all use of the Delicious Marketing LLC (LeadBubble) website( and its related services (“the Service”) subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions (“Terms of Service/TOS”) set forth below.LeadBubble is a product of Delicious Marketing LLC. Both of these will be used synonymously in all Policies.Please read the following carefully. Delicious Marketing LLC (LeadBubble) reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service at any time without notice. All new updates, features, and amendments that enhance the current Service, including the release of new features and resources, shall be subject to the “Terms of Ser-vice”. Continued use of the Service after any such changesshall constitute your consent to said changes.If you are a company, organization, institution, head of agroup of people, you are referred to as “Client”. If you are theend-user of the Service, you are referred to as a “User”. The
Agreement is binding to LeadBubble and you (Client and/orUser). Violation of any of the terms below will result in thetermination of your account. If you do not agree to the Agree-ment or any part of it, do not use the Site and Service.Registration•For registering you must be human. Accounts registeredby bots and other automated methods are not permit-ted.•You must register on the Site to access the Service, andenjoy all the benefits of LeadBubble. While registeringyou agree to provide complete, true and accurate infor-mation, as may be required.•Upon registering for the service you have to provide anemail address and a password. You are responsible formaintaining the confidentiality of your account, user id,and password.•You shall never use someone else’s LeadBubble ac-count without permission from that User.•You must notify LeadBubble immediately of any breachof security or unauthorized use of your account.•Although LeadBubble will not be liable for lossescaused by any unauthorized use of your account, youmay be liable for the losses of LeadBubble or othersdue to such unauthorized use.•This Agreement is invalid where prohibited by law andthe right to access the Service is revoked in such juris-dictions.•LeadBubble may impose limits on certain features andservices or restrict User’s access to parts or all of theServices without notice or liability.•LeadBubble may change, suspend or discontinue theServices, fees, charges etc at any time, including theavailability of any feature.•You certify to LeadBubble that you have full power andauthority to enter into the Agreement and if registeringon behalf of a company or other entity, that you havebeen conferred full authority to bind your principal orcompany.•If you are an individual you shall be at least 18 years ofage.•You also certify that you are legally permitted to use theService, and you take full responsibility for the selectionand use of the Service.TerminationYou hereby acknowledge that you shall use the Service solelyfor lawful purposes and complying with the Agreement. Viola-tion of any of the terms will result in the termination of youraccount. LeadBubble will not be responsible for the contentposted on the Service. You agree to use the Service at yourown risk. The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as avail-able” basis.You acknowledge that you have the required legal capacity touse the Service and be liable on the execution of the Agree-ment. You must not violate any laws in your jurisdiction.LeadBubble reserves the right to refuse service to anyonefor any reason at any timeLeadBubble, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspendor terminate your account and refuse any and all current orfuture use of the Service, or any other LeadBubble service,for any reason, at any time. Such termination of the Servicewill result in the deactivation or deletion of your Account oraccess to your Account, and the forfeiture and relinquishmentof all content in your Account.ModificationsLeadBubble reserves the right to modify and discontinue, atany time and from time to time, temporarily or permanently,the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice.Prices of all Services, including subscription plan fees of theService, are subject to change without notice from us. Lead-Bubble shall not be liable to you or to any third party for anymodification, price change, suspension, or discontinuance ofthe Service.You shall be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiarwith any such modifications. Use of the Service by you follow-ing such modifications constitutes your acceptance ofchanges as modified.Payments and FeesLeadBubble may save your credit card and/or Stripe / PayPalinformation and use it for all future charges, which will auto-matically be charged unless you notify us. For recurring fees,LeadBubble will charge your credit card on the time inter-val. When the Client uses a Service that has a fee, the Clientwill be charged the current fees, which we may change fromtime to time. LeadBubble reserves the right to change itsbilling methods.By filling your payment information through the Site, you areconfirming that you are legally entitled to use the means ofpayment tendered. In the case of card payments, you are ei-ther the cardholder or have the cardholder’s express permis-sion to utilize the card to effect payment.The Service is billed in advance monthly or yearly. Shouldyou find any change or amendment unacceptable, you mayopt to cancel your membership without however any right todemand a refund for fees that have already accrued beforesuch cancellation. All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, orduties imposed by taxing authorities, and you shall be re-sponsible for payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties.If a billing cycle starts on date X of a given month it will endon date X of the next month irrespective of the number ofdays in those months. Date X is calculated on your first pay-ment. For any upgrade or downgrade in plan level, yourcredit card/payment method that you provided will automati-cally be charged the new rate for the rest of your billing cycleand the previously charged amount will not be refunded.From next time, the billing cycle charges will be based onyour changed plan.There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of Ser-vice, or refunds for months unused with an open account.LeadBubble may choose to provide refunds or credits forpartial usage but is not legally bound/liable to do so.We may refuse to process a transaction for any reason orrefuse the Service to anyone at any time at our sole discre-tion. We will not be liable to you or any third party because ofrefusing or suspending any transaction after processing hasbegun.Unless otherwise stated, all fees and payments are quoted inU.S. Dollars. The User is responsible for paying all fees, pay-ments and applicable taxes associated with our Site and Ser-vices.f you cancel your subscription or your account is deleted,LeadBubble will not refund any fees that may have accruedbefore the termination.14 days Refund PolicyCustomers shall enjoy a 14 days refund policy, These refundscan be claimed without any specific reason, it's up to thewish of the customer. 14 days starts from the day the chargewas made to the customer.14 days starts from the day the charge was made to the cus-tomer.Privacy PolicyOur detailed privacy policy is outlined in ( Privacy policy) .You are agreeing to this Terms and Conditions implies thatyou also agree to our privacy policy.Prohibited uses of the serviceWe provide the Service to you solely for your private use. Youundertake not to use the Service:•for any unlawful purpose;•in any way so that the Service is interrupted, damaged,rendered less efficient or the functionality of the Serviceis in any way impaired;•in any way that may damage or disrupt another user’scomputer;•for the transmission, uploading or posting of any com-puter viruses or any harmful or deleterious files or pro-grams;•to transmit, upload or post any material which is defam-atory, offensive, racist, vulgar, libelous or of an obsceneor menacing character, or in such a way as to cause an-noyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;•as a means to threaten, stalk, harass, abuse, or other-wise insult other users or to collect or store personaldata about other users;•in a manner which constitutes a violation or infringementof any person, firm or company’s rights (including, butnot limited to, rights of copyright or confidentiality);•to transmit any material for publicity, promotion and/oradvertising without our prior written consent unless suchtransmission has been specifically requested by anotheruser of the Service;•to create a false identity with an intention to misleadothers as to the identity of the sender or the origin of amessage, including, but not limited to impersonating aLeadBubble employee, manager, host or another user;or•to transmit, upload, post or otherwise make availableany solicited or unauthorized advertising, promotionalmaterials, “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters”, “pyramidschemes” or any duplicative or unsolicited messages.Moreover, we do not control the content posted via you orother users on the Service and as such, do not guarantee theaccuracy, integrity or quality of such content. By using theService, you acknowledge that you may be exposed to con-tent that is offensive or objectionable.Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for anycontent or any damage incurred as a result of you accessingany content posted or otherwise transmitted via the Ser-vice.You acknowledge that we do not monitor or pre-view anycontent posted via you or other users of the Service, but thatwe shall have the right (but not the obligation) to refuse ac-cess to or move any content made available via the Service.Limitation of liabilityLeadBubble and and representative thereof shall not be re-sponsible for any loss or damage to you or any third partiescaused by the service or information contained in the service.You waive any and all claims you may have against Lead-Bubble arising out of the performance or nonperformance ofthe service. You specifically waive any and all claims you mayhave against LeadBubble as a result of incorrect informationcontent displayed by the service or changes to content madeby you.LeadBubble shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, spe-cial, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based oncontract or tort or any other legal theory, arising out of anyuse of the service or any performance of these terms, includ-ing, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss ofdata, business interruption or any other commercial damagesor losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability touse the service, even if LeadBubble has been advised of thepossibility of such damages.In no event shall LeadBubble’s total liability to you for alldamages (other than as may be required by applicable law incases involving personal injury) exceed the amount actuallypaid by you to LeadBubble for the service in the 365 daysimmediately preceding the date that LeadBubble receivesnotice of a claim in writing from you. The foregoing limita-tions will apply even if the above-stated remedy fails of its es-sential purpose.Indemnity on Limitation of Ser-vicesThe services of LeadBubble are dependent on the act ofother companies like hosting companies or any ‘channel’ fea-tured with LeadBubble ‘channels’. If for any unforeseen rea-son or due the changes in technology both internally or exter-nally (Services like Facebook etc), the services of LeadBub-ble becomes obsolete or unusable, LeadBubble will not takeany responsibility on such unforeseen events.In such case No refunds on lifetime subscription or other sub-scription will be made due to the event and No such demandshall be entertained.IndemnityYou further undertake that in the event that you have anyright, claim or action against any other user arising from theuse of the Service, you shall pursue such right, claim or ac-tion independently of, and without recourse to us.You will fully indemnify and defend us against all claims, lia-bility, damages, costs, and expenses, including legal fees,arising out of a breach of this Contract or any use of the Ser-vice, the Information or the Website by you.Service might be interrupted due to technology changes, cy-ber attacks, server maintenance or any other reasons. Lead-Bubble does not warrantee a pre notice of service interrup-tion in such case and has indemnity in case loss that mightoccur due to such event on customers end.You acknowledge that we have limited control over the na-ture or content of information or programs transmitted or re-ceived by you or other users using the Service and that we donot examine in any way the use to which you put the Service.You agree to fully indemnify us against any claims or legalproceedings arising in connection with your use of the Ser-vice which is brought or threatened against us by any otherperson.Disclaimer of warrantiesThe Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of the ser-vice is at your sole risk. LeadBubble does not warrant that:•the service will meet your specific requirements. Wemay advertise the service from our best understandingof the value we provide or based on past/future featuresof the services, but it is your duty to verify whether itsuits your needs or not, based on the use of the freetrial.•the service will be uninterrupted, timely, or error-free,•the results that may be obtained from the use of the ser-vice will be accurate or reliable. You shall not rely exclu-sively on the service for any reason.•the quality of any services, information, or other materialpurchased or obtained by you through the service willmeet your expectations or as advertised.Any claim arising out of or related to use of the service shallbe filed to LeadBubble within 30 days after the claim orcause of action accrues otherwise, it will be considered thatyou have no claims.LeadBubble hereby disclaims all warranties and conditionswith respect to the service and anything related thereto, ei-ther express, implied or statutory, including, but not limitedto, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantabil-ity, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose,of accuracy, of quiet enjoyment, and non-infringement ofthird party rights. No oral or written information or advice isgiven by LeadBubble or its authorized representative shallcreate a warranty.Data retention policyLeadBubble has data retention policy and the system mightnot store user’s data perpetually. User’s data may be deletedafter a certain time interval ranges from immediately (after auser deletes manually) or a timeframe set forth by LeadBub-ble (for example when a user’s subscription expires and isnot renewed) . These policies are depended on types of dataand subjected to change time to time. It’s user’s responsibil-ity to keep updated with most recent data retention policy.TrademarksIf you use any of our trademarks related to our Services, youmust include a statement attributing that trademark to us.You must not use any of our trademarks in or as the whole orpart of your own trademarks; in connection with activities orServices which are not ours; in a manner which may be con-fusing, misleading or deceptive; or in a manner that dispar-ages us or our information, products or Services (includingthe Site).All software, visual and textual content, along with LeadBub-ble created texts, scripts, graphics, interactive features andtrademarks, Service marks and logos are owned by or li-censed to LeadBubble, and protected subject to copyrightand other intellectual property rights under US, EU, foreignlaws and international conventions. You may not display oruse the marks or any intellectual property owned by Lead-Bubble in any manner without LeadBubble’s prior writtenconsent.Law and JurisdictionsIf ever a dispute arises between you and LeadBubble, westrongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek aresolution. We will consider reasonable requests to resolvethe dispute through alternative dispute resolution proce-dures, such as mediation or arbitration, as alternatives to liti-gation.Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with theAgreement or its formation (including non-contractual dis-putes or claims) shall be governed by the laws of the UnitedStates of America. The state and/or federal courts residing inPennsylvania shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dis-pute or claim arising out of this Agreement and/or the Ser-vice.In case of any confusion, LeadBubble has the sole right tointerpret this agreement.GeneralYou acknowledge that you have all necessary permits togrant us with User’s personal data to fulfill this Agreement.No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer,franchisor-franchisee relationship, etc. is intended or createdby this Agreement.If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or un-enforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remainingprovisions shall be enforced. Headings are for reference pur-poses only and do not limit the scope or extent of such sec-tion. Our failure to act concerning a breach by you or othersdoes not waive our right to act concerning subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will take actionagainst all breaches of this Agreement.
LeadBubble reserves the right at its sole discretion to transfer or assign this Agreement or any right or obligation under this Agreement atany time.